MORE idle container ships are returning to service, shrinking 2.1 per cent in the last two weeks to 318 ship above 500 TEU, aggregating 1.4 million TEU, reports Alphaliner.
The number of ships above 7,500 TEU without work declined 25.9 per cent 43, of which 31 are owned by ocean carriers and the remainder by ship charterers.
Unemployment in the panamax sector continued to rise with 95 ships ranging from 3,100 to 5,100 TEU ships laid-up, four more than two weeks earlier.
„Prospects for panamax ships are taking a further turn for the worse, as carriers began to announce the deployment of neopanamaxes and classic overpanamaxes on all-water Far East-US east coast loops via the expanded Panama Canal,“ Alphaliner said